
Friday, October 02, 2009

The Eighth Son

Octavius was the big winner in the poll, and Mr. Cachet and Julie King are each going to find a print of him in their mailboxes soon! Congratulations to you both - please email me your postal addresses, and I'll get them in the mail!



I added some gouache to the leaf on kraft paper - it wrinkled the paper a bit, but I love how the gouache takes to this paper - how it pops off that brown background and just sings. I hope you like it, too...


The boys and I are heading off to the Museum of Natural History now - we've been studying all about mammals, and we're going to spend some time in the hall of mammals, studying them up close and personally. We'll be carrying our sketchbooks with us, so I'm hopeful that we'll manage a drawing or two. It's so much easier than drawing at the zoo...I can't ever get the lions to stand quite that still...



  1. This is great Diahn! I liked it as a line drawing but this if very striking!

  2. Anonymous1:40 PM

    I love how the ripples in the kraft paper create a sense of backlight! Doesn't it look like light rays behind those gorgeously rendered leaves?

  3. Great image, Diahn. I don't use a lot of gouache, but when I use it, it works. You seem to use it quite a bit, but your pen and ink is a nice compliment to the gouache.

  4. Yes, it DOES pop right off that page! I really like the Kraft paper.

  5. The addition of color puts some snap, crackle and pop into the piece.

    On a side note, I just noticed your new banner and had to giggle at the "I'm a blogtor"...while you do have your own little piece of virtual real estate, I hope it isn't up for sale.

  6. i won? i never win! thanks, diahn!! i look forward to having octavious come nest with us!

    i really like the colors on the kraft paper!

  7. Really vibrant study of the red leaf. Your gouache technique is wonderful!

    I saw your work on Etsy and my favorite is Octavius.

    A fellow Etsian, nature lover and artist.

    Much success.
    -Daniel Montoya
