
Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Sweetness and Light

Derek BW


Here's a little taste of the personalities that I deal with on a daily basis. How can you get too serious when this is what you look at every day?



I finally figured out my contribution to Lens.Us.Together:Abandoned. Go see! Go see! Go see!

Um. You know. If you want to.


And don't forget to vote for your favorite painting - I'll be closing the poll at 10 pm on Thursday night, and I'd just hate it if you didn't get your say in the matter. I take my responsibility as a blogger very seriously.

I'm all about representing the people.


  1. These are very beautiful portraits.
    They look fun and happy children

  2. Oh man, I love these portraits of the boys. If I decide to put a gigantic bulletin board on one wall in the kitchen, I want a copy of these for it!
    And your take on "abandoned"? BRILLIANT.

  3. Thanks - they are fun and happy and LOUD. Ay yi yi.

    Linda - you got it - your kitchen is going to rock with these hanging in there! :) And thanks - I was pretty stoked when the inspiration for "abandoned" finally hit...

  4. Oh my god, these are some handsome kids! Beautiful portraits, each one so different. And I agree with Linda about "abandoned"...brilliant, really.

  5. Thanks, Mo - I really appreciate that!

  6. gorgeous portraits! love the light

  7. You are talented in so many ways! These are great, as is your "abandoned".
