
Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Offspring

Doodlebug's Cardinal

Kindly note the official "Ott" signature...his idea...not mine.

Junebug's sandpiper...also with the official "Ott" signature. I'm thinking of registering it as a trademark.

It's funny - that signature - the way I sign all my paintings. It's completely nerdy. In an artistic way.

It's a circle. And pi.

'Cause that's just the way we roll.


  1. Love the OTT signature! Such fun. What the heck do I do with WILLIAMS?

  2. Hmmmm...that is difficult.. I understand - I used to be a Johnson...

  3. I've always thought the same thing! A circle and pi. Perfect. Delicious, logical, infinite, quirky pie! :)

  4. It's clear to see that your boys inherited your talent.

    I know what you mean about the signature. I sat at a part time job a few years ago when there was nothing to do and experimented with my initials until I came up with signature I liked. I've used it ever since.
