
Monday, August 31, 2009

August, Decreasing

Last year, on the day after my 40th birthday, I posted about my sweet family and what they did for me to usher in a whole new decade. It included a self portrait in the side mirror of my brand new (to me) Mustang convertible. I thought it only appropriate to revisit the side mirror self portrait on what my friend Cyndi calls my 1st Anniversary. (Could it be that life begins at 40? Hmmm)


See - now, I'm not one to obsess* about my age too much. I'm 41. It's awesome. I've never been healthier, happier or more content. And being 41 is so much better than the alternative. I'd always rather have another birthday, know what I mean? I was talking with my Dad on my birthday, and he wished me a Happy 29th, with a sly grin.

Okay - he was on the phone - but I could hear it in his voice.

Anyway - I quickly corrected him and said that I wasn't 29 - I was 41, by golly, and DANG proud of it. This unhealthy obsession with being young is a detriment to all of us. I went through way too much to get here to want to go back again, people. WAY too much. I wouldn't trade one wrinkle or saggy tricep wiggle for the amount of wisdom I've gained in the last 20 years.

Sure - I dye my hair pink on occasion, keep it blonde to hide the grays, and have an occasional piercing done, but that's not because I want to BE younger. It's because I HAVE EARNED IT, my friends.

With every gray hair.

With every misstep.

With every poor choice.

With every push up.

With every lap around the track.

With every triumph.

The secret to staying young forever isn't to never grow old. It's to get your nose pierced embrace those things that have brought us this far and to realize the lessons we've learned are the things that make us who we are today...and love that person.

*shut up.


  1. Hallelujah!

    I'm with you. My dad also talks about the "29" birthday. I think he's still on it himself.

    I've earned my years. I want to keep them. I think I'll get a tattoo next. I know what I want, just have to figure out where it goes.

    Happy Birthday! Every year is an accomplishment.

  2. Happy Birthday Diahn! Love your blog.

  3. You shut up.

    Happy 41st, dear friend! Great insights.

  4. "get your nose pierced" lol I've got that covered :p

    I don't have a problem getting older actually, its only a number after all. I don't feel 28, but really what should that feel like?

  5. Well, I guess when I turn 41 I'll let you know if I agree with you...
    Oh, okay. I shut up about the OTHER comment, so I'll shut up about mine, too.

    Good to see you!

  6. Happy birthday! Screw earning the years! I want to be 19 again!

  7. Happy Birthday, Diahn! And congratulations on a wonderful point of view that I'm going to try to emulate. Can't fix the grays ... the hubster conned me into an agreement when I had two which was since he can't fix the hair falling out, I can't fix the ones turning gray. I so want a redo on that conversation.

    I'll be 38 in two months and I've found myself obsessing over each new jiggle and wrinkle. About two months ago I decided if I was ever going to do something about it, now is the time, so I started eating better and exercising. Like you, I now feel healthier and better than I have in years. Of course, I also have two munchkins who regularly ask questions that prevent me from feeling wiser ... thank god for google ... but I'm getting there.

    Thanks for the insightful post!

  8. I turned 50 this year and didn't really think that much of it. But then each and everybody I met made one remark or another about me being this old now and how I felt. Truly? When somebody asks my age and I didn't have time to think I say 44. Whatever got me stuck there I don't know. It has been there for quite some time. If everybody else around me would just be quiet about my age I could fully agree with you.
    Happy Birthday from Christa

  9. Age is relative...relatively unimportant when you are loving the life you're living. Go for it!
