
Monday, May 03, 2010

Only Because I Auto...

Mercedes 300 SL

Yet another car-show-type weekend - this time it was Germany's turn to keep us enthralled. I think Dr. SmartyPants could have stood next to the Porsche 911s all day and just gazed upon their loveliness.

But I liked the Mercedes 300 SL, mainly because it was bright red and it looks like some sort of alien bug sitting on the green lawn.

We brought along the Kraken and Grumplestiltskin, so my hands were a bit full and I had to turn the camera duties over to my trusty photography assistants, Derek and Joshua. It just goes to show that my skill at photography is only surpassed by eight and ten year old boys. I only take credit for post processing on these, and a couple of Hipstamatic grabs...

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Now - next weekend is Mother's Day. I wonder what kind of car show we'll find for that?

What? There are no Mother's Day car shows? Why the heck not?

Here's how Mother's Day car shows should work, people...

The cars are luxury limousines, stocked with fresh strawberries, chocolate, champagne and Ewan McGregor. And if you are a mama?

You get one.

The end.


  1. Oh boy, I have some shopping to do.

  2. What is it with men and cars? Really?!!? I was excited when my hubster got a 1970 convertible Cutlass Supreme a few years ago. My parents had a corvette when I was a kid, belonged to a car club and drove in parades, went to road rallies and races on the weekends and just went for long drives through the country. It was fun (and at the time, the brother and I fit behind the seats in the luggage compartment).

    Then I found out the man's idea of going for a drive somehow always lands us at a car show. I swear, I've seen every classic car in North East Ohio at least a dozen times. The Punkette is no longer willing to get in the Cutlass for fear we'll end up at another show. The man bribes her with ice cream.

    He asked what I wanted to do next week and then suggested we go somewhere in the Cutlass. I think the dirty look spoke volumes.

  3. did someone say ewan? *sigh*

    he's rather lovely

  4. Oh, isn't he just, Char? *swoon* I think I feel a little Moulin Rouge coming on...

  5. If that is where your Mother's Day car show takes you, then please make room for me :)
