
Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Linda Tagged Me...

...I've been watching this meme go around the EDM blogsphere for the last week or so, and it's been very interesting. It's also occurred to me that either I don't post on the EDM group very often, or people just don't like me, and being eternally optimistic, I guess I don't post on the EDM group often...

So, here goes my 7 interesting, but little known, things about myself...

1. By education, I am actually a geologist. I hold a Master's degree in Structural Geology from a major party school, and most of a PhD, although I declined to complete my dissertation, so that makes me Diahn, Ph.D., ABD... I did all the research, so you all can call me Dr. Diahn, anyway. I quit when I realized that art was more part of my heart than science, and have been happily drawing and painting away ever since.

2. My first name is not Diahn (that's my middle name), but that's what I've always been called. And you pronounce it "dee-on", not "die-ann". Like Warwick, Sanders, ...and the get the idea.

3. I met my husband and married him 3 months later. We've been married 8 1/2 years. Best (and most) impulsive decision I ever made.

4. I arrange my closet by type, color, season and sleeve (or leg) length. I arrange my pantry by classes known only to me, with all labels facing forward and items pulled to the front of the shelf. The rest of my house is a disaster, including my art studio which can be attested to by Linda, who recently saw my shameful mess...

5. I have a GPS in my head. Hard-wired. I love to try new roads and never use a map if I can help it. I like the challenge of finding my way around new places, especially if I have no access to directions and can't speak the language. I've been "lost" on 3 continents and loved it...Europe (Germany, Italy), South America (Venezuela), and North America (backwoods Alabama - trust me - I don't speak the language there either). I LOVE to take someone that has lived somewhere a really long time a new way to get somewhere.

6. Wow. 2 more. This is harder than I thought. Uhhhh. I play piano, bass guitar and I sing. I lead the band at my church. I don't get to play the bass very often anymore, as I have to play the piano and I haven't figured out how to do both at the same time.

7. I am intensely competitive, but fair. I hate to lose, but I'm a good loser. I detest poor sports who blame a loss everything except their own performance. I am convinced that there is almost nothing I cannot do, provided I have enough time to study it and practice a little. I'm not always RIGHT about that - but I love to try.

So - that's it. The last one is a little lame, I think, but I really couldn't think of anything else right now. I'm pretty sure everyone else I e-know has been tagged already, but if you haven't, please take this is a personal plea to enlighten us about yourself, and leave me a comment so I can come read your 7...



  1. I did NOT know that I could call you Dr. Diahn. That's fun. I'm going to use that one a LOT. (Who's that calling? Oh, excuse me, it's a doctor's call... You KNOW that one could get me out of meetings early...)

  2. Hey, my husband is a geologist too, he specialized in nukes. I did the tags today (Jeanne got me) so feel free to have a peek!

  3. Forgot to mention- beautiful self portrait!

  4. I married my husband three months after I met him as well! Our twentieth anniversary coming up. Makes the wedding day very exciting doesn't it?

  5. Lovely self portrait... and love the rundown. You're super-woman as far as I'm concerned, and I love your banter about being able to do anything you put your mind to. I've been REALLY REALLY wanting to learn to knit socks... and I feel like I CAN'T... but you've inspired me :)


  6. well, we have some things in common. I am GPS wired as well and am never lost. I just say I planned on taking the scenic route! I was feeling a bit left out but got tagged as well and have posted my list today.
