
Thursday, August 07, 2008


This picture represents the brackets of my family.  Brackets?  Well - maybe not the best word, but that's the only one I could come up with after this week I've had.  Don't get me wrong - it's been a wonderful week.  My boys and I went to Alabama to spend some time with my family, including Melinda, her youngest daughter Sara, and little Brian, my great-nephew.

That's Brian in the picture with my grandparents.  Brian is almost a year old.  Mama Dee (the maker of quilts) is 88 and Papa Dee is 90.  Great-great grandparents and great-great grandson.  Miraculous.

I'm too tired to blog.  There's never enough time to catch up when you have only a few days a year to see those people you love most.  I've hardly slept since Saturday night, although it's been worth it.

I'm not as young as I once was - all-nighters stick with me too long these days....but that doesn't change the need to sit up all night and remember - old boyfriends and old songs - sitting on the deck with guitar in hand and playing Wish You Were Here and just remembering the us that we used to be, dorky and stupid, idealistic and romantic. 

That's a 40th birthday present to hang on to.


  1. Anonymous8:44 AM

    I love family and being with family but at times it can be exhausting. The picture is priceless and what a wonderful keepsake for the child. One day he will say to his children. This was me and my great great grandparents.

  2. I LOVE that photo! What great huge gigantic smiles!!!
