
Friday, December 10, 2010

Friday! O Happy Day!


I think Friday is a good day to list good things, don't you? I'm pretty sure I stole that from Char, but I'm hoping she won't mind...

  • Dr. SmartyPants comes home today, after 5 days away.
  • No school on Fridays means the teacher gets a day off, too!
  • I'm sitting in my box-free kitchen, looking at my box-free living room.
  • My dining room is ALMOST box-free.
  • Brian is home from the hospital.
  • I've been getting packages from the little elves at Amazon, which means I've not had to find parking places at any major big-box store. Oh, how I love online shopping. I especially appreciate the other little elves that allow Santa to deliver giant boxes to their houses instead of mine...thanks, Linda! They should be there on or around Tuesday!
  • I'm done with my Christmas shopping. (See above...)
  • I'll be wrapping gifts this weekend. I LOVE wrapping gifts.
  • It may snow on Sunday-Monday. I am surprisingly excited by it.
  • Tomorrow is a long-run day...6.5 miles scheduled. Again...surprisingly excited! (that's like half a half marathon! a quarter marathon, if you will...)
  • Christmas comes in 15 days!
  • I love Christmas.
  • Music Channel 833 on Comcast. All Christmas. All the time.
  • I'm going to bake cookies today. I got the dough made yesterday, but ran out of time and energy to actually bake them. 
  • Same goes for the bread I'll be baking.
  • My house is going to smell wonderful.
  • I've got a plan in the works for a 365 day project in 2011. I think it's going to be awesome.
  • I'm going to make you wait to find out what it is, though. Because I'm mean.
So. What are you doing this weekend? Whatever it is, I hope it's magical and filled with holiday goodness...



  1. My kids are coming on Sunday. We'll be making our annual graham cracker gingerbread houses.

    I'm interested in your 365 project. It sounds like a big commitment and I don't even know what it is.

  2. Great list! I'm also very curious about this project...

  3. i love a list!!! i love your list! (and I love amazon)

  4. A comcast mention, on a "good" day.
    Thats awesome.
    Have a great Holiday season

  5. Well, is the season of miracles...

