It wasn't the coolest morning we've had lately, but the weather was beautiful and not too ridiculously hot. We arrived at the start line about 20 minutes before the race began. Everyone was excited and a little nervous and eager to get started.
The Smarty and I have done this before, so we did at least know what to expect. The boys were complete newbies. Derek was probably the most nervous - running is not easy for him, although he's physically very able...his mind is his greatest enemy in running - he isn't quite sure he can really do it.
Last night, we each set goals for ourselves. Mine was to finish in 35:00 or less. Joshua's was to beat me. Dr. SmartyPants was helping Derek with his goal, as he was planning to run with him the whole time - they decided to strive for 40:00 or under, and to run the whole time.
When the starter's pistol fired, we headed out. Joshua and I set out together, but after a half mile or so, he took off and left me in his dust. I spent the entire race looking for his little blonde head bobbing up and down in the crowd of taller adults. I saw him at the turn around, we waved and smiled at each other and kept going. After I went through the turn around, I started looking for the rest of my crew, and spotted them chugging along almost 2 1/2 miles in.
Just before the final hill, I took at 10 second walk-break...I had a little crisis of confidence, honestly - wasn't sure I could make it - but after I realized I wasn't actually going to die, I started back up. I saw Joshua turn a corner and disappear. When I got to the corner, I saw that the finish line was RIGHT THERE, so I put on a last burst of speed and finished - Joshua was waiting just to the right, cheering me on.
We grabbed waters and headed back down and around the corner to wait for Derek and the Smarty - when we spotted them coming up the hill we started cheering for them and yelling - Derek responded by sprinting up the hill, which almost did him in, but with some encouragement from us, and from the crowd around us he ran across the line...I guess I was yelling his name rather loudly, because all the spectators were yelling it out, and the announcer at the line gave a big, "Way to go, Derek!" as he crossed the finish.
In short, we all met or exceeded our goals...Joshua finished in 33:05, 4th in his age group. I finished at 33:37, well under my goal of 35:00. I was a little disappointed that I walked when I was so close to the finish, but I'll just make that a priority for the next one. Derek finished in 40:08, with Dr. SmartyPants a few paces in front of him.
A fellow runner snapped this photo of us just after we picked up water and snacks...
She was probably afraid to say no...when a crazy looking woman asks you to do something, you just do it, by golly...