
Friday, January 16, 2009



In a few short days, the eyes of the nation, and the world will be upon this building.  We've been watching as the stage has been built, stands assembled, bunting unfurled.  There's an energy and excitement in the air.

And Obama bobbleheads on every corner.

It's a strange mixture of pomp and circumstance meets tacky souvenir and t-shirt stand.

Many people have asked us if we are going to be there for the ceremony.  We thought about it, talked it over, and decided we're going to stay here and watch it on the television.  If there were any way to be close enough to actually see it, I would be there in an instant, but jostling for position with 4 million of my closest friends, while keeping an eye on two active boys, only to see the whole thing on the JumboTron in below freezing temperatures?



  1. Well, in spite of all that, it's a nice watercolor. Don't blame you for staying home.

  2. A huge crowd like that would freak me out, but it would be a once in a lifetime event.

    Love your watercolor!

  3. What a wonderful experience for you and the family. Love this watercolor.

  4. Great picture! Ohh boy...I'd love to be there, even though I tend to avoid huge crowds. But, just to say you witnessed this enormous day in our world. WOW.

  5. FABULOUS watercolor! Really perfect!

  6. Fancy contraption, huh, that there television?

  7. Lovely watercolor... don't blame you for avoiding the crowd and it will be nice to be able to tell grandchildren you were all there for this historic event... even if it's in a hotel room watching on tv

  8. Lovely picture. I will be watching from work.

  9. I thought about descending on you all, all unannounced, but then I thought again ;D. This would not have been the optimal first real-life meeting. I love the blues and browns in your sketch and the stateliness of the Capitol building. Have fun for me!!!
